Träffar 2,701 till 2,750 av 5,687
# | Noteringar | Länkad till |
2701 | Odöpt | Sjöblom, Karl Alfred (I3028)
2702 | Odöpt | Sjöblom, Ebba Matilda (I3029)
2703 | Odöpt | Sjöblom, Helmi Margareta (I3030)
2704 | Odöpt | Lindberg, Nn (I4089)
2705 | Odöpt | Söder, Bror Engelbrekt (I5819)
2706 | Odöpt | Wejdling, Ines Magdalena (I7354)
2707 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Karl Simon Gottfrid (I12614)
2708 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Carl Simon (I12626)
2709 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Anna Linnea Elisabet (I12628)
2710 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Nelly Sofia Matilda (I12629)
2711 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Gunnar Benjamin (I12630)
2712 | Odöpt | Eklöf, Febe Adina (I12631)
2713 | odöpt | Holmström, Melker (I14507)
2714 | Odöpt | Palmgren, Märta Maria (I14906)
2715 | Odöpt | Palmgren, Gustaf Eugen (I14914)
2716 | Odöpt | Bergqvist, Bror David (I18931)
2717 | odöpt | Holmström, Ninni Maria (I1125)
2718 | Odöpt | Holmström, Ninni Maria (I1125)
2719 | odöpt, föräldarna neka att låta döp barnet (baptister?) | Nordvall, Knut Siriam (I16324)
2720 | Odöpt, föräldrarna baptister | Pettersson, Märta Alfrida Eurosyne (I14115)
2721 | Odöpt. Föräldrarna, baptistiskt sinnade, vägra dopet. | Birath, Erik Ivar (I1805)
2722 | Officella källor som hfl anger födelse 1830-05-24 | Jonsson, Karl Peter (I14136)
2723 | Officer I12 Eksjö | Holmström, Sixten BERTIL Verner (I973)
2724 | Ofullständig notering i fb | Persdotter, Cajsa Lisa (I365)
2725 | ohne Bedeutung; führt sinnlose Fehden | von Hallermund, Graf Ludolf III. (I11910)
2726 | Okänd moder Erkänt och legitimerat av föräldrarna Gullander-Lundgren (vigda 4/7 06). Se allm. handl. 09. | Gullander, Ella Julia Emerentia (I16607)
2727 | Ola Frank Olson insisted that he was Ola's son and used the name Olsson in the Swedish manner. Frank and his brother Sven immigrated to America, landing in San Francisco on January 30, 1880. Oregon, particularly Yamhill and Washington counties provided the necessary employment and eventual homesites for the new citizens. (from theOlson Family History compiled by Mary Alice Helvie in1973) emigrerade1878 | Olson, Ola Frank (I3164)
2728 | Ola instructed Sven (and no doubt his brothers) in the scything of the grass, the cradling of the grain, the art of sharpening tools with precision, and many other useful skills. The church where the family worshipped and the village school where a meager education was acquired in a few weeks each winter were three miles away. Even though he lacked the traditional "formal" education, Ola was avidly interested in the news of the day, the variety of educational sources,and in the various forms of learning. Sensing his own lack of formal education, he allowed nothing to interfere with his children's opportunities for education. As a result, Sven found himself in early manhood with a common school education, basic elementary military training, the possessor of some skills in farming and carpentry, but faced with limited opportunities of satisfactory employment as well as an enforced military conscription. America beckoned - but he had no money. Eventually he went to sea. If one can obtain a copy of the Simmons' Family history, he may read Zenas's account of his father's adventures during six years at sea. During this period of his life, Sven was attracted to the Pacific Northwest. Travel folders of that region presented a picture of a countryside comparable to the young Swede's native homeland. Finally he signed on an American ship bound for San Francisco. Brother Frank also joined the crew, but the two brothers, working side by side, did not reveal their relationship. After a long journey, complete with danger and hardships, the men stepped ashore in America, January 30, 1880, and the Chosen land became the new "home" land. Oregon, particularly Yamhill and Washington counties, provided the necessary employment and eventual homesites for the new citizens. (from The Olson Family History compiled by Mary Alice Helvie in 1973) Found in 1900 U S Census: with Wife Franca and children - Pernilla, Zenas, and Onas Oregon State, Washington County, Copy in files. Stories by Sven Olson as told to his son Zenas Olson E1930. Copy in files emigrerade 1880 | Olson, Sven Jack Emanuel (I3163)
2729 | Ola Trulsson var riksdagsman för Färs och Frosta härader vid riksdagarna 1746-1747 och 1751-1752. Ludvig Mårtensson: Förteckning över bondeståndets ledamöter vid riksdagarna 1710-1810, Stockholm 1937 (se fil bn_1710-1800_reg_.pdf i Ola Trulssons personmapp) | Trulsson, Ola (I6787)
2730 | Olivia stayed in Sweden and did not emigrate to the U.S. as her brothers and sisters did. She was required to stay at home and care for her parents. As a result, there is very little, if any,information concerning Olivia or any of her progeny. (taken from the Olson Family History by Mary Alice Helvie compiled in 1973. (nilsson.FTW, Sondra Johnson Aldegarie - shows her name spelled Oliva instead of Olivia) Her Luthern Testament (Lilla Katekes) is signed Oliva Bengtsson. _________________________________ (Karin Holm Bjorkholm, Ancestry World Tree Project: Algot Holm(genealogy) : note "finns i 1910 arsforsamlingsbok" _________________________________ Ancestry.Com World Family Tree, Algot Holm Genealogy submitted byKarin Holm Bjorkholm (Sweden): Most of the children of this family came to the United States and used "Nelson" as their last name which I feel was the Americanized version of Nilsson. Nils is listed as "Nils Bengtsson Bjorklund". (How did hecome to use the last name of Bjorklund?) I have included their birth surname in parenthesis, followed by the Americanized "Nelson" so their roots can be found in both countries. | Bengtsson, Olivia (I3158)
2731 | Minst en levande person är länkad till denna notering - Detaljer visas inte. | Levande (I18944)
2732 | Olofström Blekinge Sverige | Svensson, Sven August (I441)
2733 | Om datum för död och begravning stämmer skulle han vara född 1660 och fått barn när han var 54 år. Det är lite svårt att tolka texten i dödboken, men det finns ingen annan person och tillfälle som passar bättre. | Åkesson, Jöns (I1787)
2734 | Om detta är rätt Alex Palmgren, så finns det problem: Gift med Amelia, f okt 1865 i 9 år, dvs sedan 1891 (innan Axel kom till USA) barn Agnes f jan 1891 (innan Axel kom till USA) Rudolph f aug 1893 (tillverkad innan Axel kom till USA) Axelene f jun 1896 | Palmgren, Axel Gereon (I302)
2735 | Omgift 1934-08-04 med Märta Cecilia Karlsson f 1905-04-08 Norra Vi | Svensson, Anders Gustaf (I14096)
2736 | Omgift 1965-07-11 med Herman Valdemar Göransson f 1901-05-15. Änka andra gången 1996-06-22 | Johansson, Ellen Viola (I13519)
2737 | Omkom genom olyckshändelse på det sätt att en svallvåg öfverraskade henne och spolade henne bort. Intyg från Stångenäs kronolänsmanskontor af den 12/2 1894 aflemnades derom att dödsfallet föranleddes af olyckshändelse och att intet hinder möter för begravningen. | Markman, Ellen Kristina (I7362)
2738 | Omkommen genom olyckshändelse i ångaren "Fingal" på ingående till Göteborg. Begrafven i Göteborgs östra begrafvn. plats, enl. avis från därv. past. ämb. 17/5 04. | Svensson, Ingemar (I3753)
2739 | Omyndigförklarad av Kalmar R.R, 1928-07-03 | Karlsson, Emilie Margaretha (I990)
2740 | Omyndigförklarad genom beslut av Östra häradsrätt den 14 feb 1924 | Gullander, Paul Nilsson (I16634)
2741 | On Lucania from Liverpool | Ostrand, Adolf Emil (I8789)
2742 | On Monday, Oct. 8, occurred to death of Mrs. John H. Fiddelke of this place, at the age of 59 years, nine months and 14 days. Mother Fiddelke had been an invalid for sometime. She was born in the Providence of Hanover, Germany, Dec. 25, 1840. After her marriage to Johann Henry Fiddelke she came to this country. Deceased was the mother of nine children, seven of which are living. Two of them reside in Chicago in the others are residents of this county. The funeral was held on Wednesday in the remains were placed in the cemetery at Germantown. Rev. Horn conducted the service. This information was published by Paullina Times Oct. 11, 1900. | Clausen, Elizabeth Margarethe Dorothee (I9269)
2743 | Onkel der Mutter Ks. Arnulfs | Liutfred (I11181)
2744 | Original name - Joseph Johannes Linus, according to Zenas Olson's 1968 notebook. (nilsson.FTW, Sondra Johnson Aldegarie) Bought first farmland - 1901 (copies of deeds - Whitman County Title) Source notes from nilsson.FTW, Sondra Johnson Aldegarie include: Micro-film of Colfax Gazette, Mr 22, 1901, pg 5, Clear Creek, "Joe Franzen recently purchased the George Harper Ranch near Palouse." Pg 6 County Records, Deeds "G.W. Harper to J. Franzen lt 2,7,8;5,16,45 Real Mortages, J. Franzen To R. L. Sabin lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 5, 16, 45 | Franzen, Joseph Johannes Linus (I3167)
2745 | Örneströms pappersbruk 1842 försvunnit till obestämd ort Kisa (E) AI:9 (1841-1845) bild 127 / sid 116 (AID: v26287.b127.s116, NAD: SE/VALA/00183) | Stenholm, Mattias Wilhelm (I12410)
2746 | Ort: United States Census 1930: | Dorthy Dora I. (I14844)
2747 | Orten VIII | Gullander, Thyra Ingeborg Andrea (I10)
2748 | Orvar Ahlgren var inneboende hos Thyra med början 19-10-1938 med en del avbrott fram tills han dog. Om de hade någon relation utöver detta är inte känt. Det bodde ialla fall i samma lägenhet i över 20 år. Orvar var som en del av familjen och deltog i många släktträffar och fester. Västra Skrävlinge BI:8 (1938-1939) Bild 1090 / sid 105 | Familj: Gustav OVAR Ahlgren / Thyra Ingeborg Andrea Gullander (F1883)
2749 | Osäker | Peterson, Anna Marie (I14126)
2750 | Osäker! | Andersdotter, Anna (I13793)