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Hans Scheibe

Man 1550 - 1630  (80 år)

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  • Namn Hans Scheibe 
    Födelse 1550  Tyskland Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats  [1
    Kön Man 
    Död 1630  Tyskland Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats  [1
    Person-ID I1945  Huvudträd
    Senast ändrad 16 Feb 2022 

    Familj Appolonia Wulff,   f. 1579, Tyskland Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 1601, Tyskland Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 22 år) 
    Vigsel 1600  Weissenburg, Bas-Rhin, Grand Est, Frankrike Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats  [2
     1. Vendel Hansson Scheibe,   f. 1601, Alsace, Frankrike Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna platsd. 1677, Hösterum, Mogata, Östergötlands län, Sverige Hitta alla personer med händelser på denna plats (Ålder 76 år)
    Senast ändrad 2 Sep 2014 
    Familjens ID F468  Familjeöversikt  |  Familjediagram

  • Händelse-karta
    Länk till Google MapsFödelse - 1550 - Tyskland Länk till Google Earth
    Länk till Google MapsVigsel - 1600 - Weissenburg, Bas-Rhin, Grand Est, Frankrike Länk till Google Earth
    Länk till Google MapsDöd - 1630 - Tyskland Länk till Google Earth
     = Länk till Google Earth 

  • Noteringar 
    • I have traced the Swedish Scheibe family back through Sweden to lower Alsace in 1600. Hans married Apollonia Wulff in 1600 in Cron Weissenburg according to a Swedish book called 'Svenska Adelns Attartavlor" by Gustaf Elgenstierna.
      Han was Count Palantine of Zweibruchen and bailiff over Birlebach and Cron-Weissenburg in Lower Alsace. The spelling of names and places I suppose are spelled in the Swedish fashion.
      A count palatinate was a title known back as far as Roman and Byzantine times, in the times of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. The rights of the office varied, but in general, a count palatinate was like a governor, he had superior judicial functions, and from his original position as a royal officer, he gained privileges and immunities of which gave him great independence and a lot of power.
      One German source said that most count palatinates started out as knights, and many knights were of the nobility, but since the nobility in those days came and went regularly, it's hard to know from what noble anyone descended.
      It is likely that the emigration from Alsace to Sweden began from several factors. One was the reformation and Inquisition. Many nobles were eager to leave central Europe. Second was that Sweden was still a backward county with a progressive King. He offered titles and asylum because he needed talented and knowledgeable people to help his country to move forward.
      I wrote to the Archives of Bas-Rhin. He states in a letter dated 7 Sep 1989. That Cron Weisenburg is the ancient name of Weisenberg. It was made up of 2 protestant parishes at that time. St. Jean (John?) and St. Michels. There were no Scheibes in St. Michels but in St. John there wer a few Scheibs There was a Hans Scheib von Rechtenbach who baptized a daughter Catharina on 22.11.1635. I haven't found out if Rechtenbach in Germany was the same as Ridderborg in Sweden or if this titles were different. [3]

  • Källor 
    1. [S453] Ancestry, Elizabeth Buck Tree research (Tillförlitlighet: 3).

    2. [S464] Gustav Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor, (Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor Norstedts, Stockholm 1927 (Stadsbiblioteket, Landsarkivet);).

    3. [S453] Ancestry, (Tillförlitlighet: 3).